
Outdoor Gear Reviews

“The rise of the citizen review site is a sobering development. No longer are you on top of the mountain blasting your message down to the masses through your megaphone. All of a sudden, the masses are conversing with one another. If your service or product isn’t any good, they’ll out you”.  — David Pogue


CBD Oil For Pets From Green Pet Shop CBD Review

BACKSTORY CBD For Pets or anything related to the cannabis industry was about the last thing I was ever going to use on my dogs. Everyone who knows me, and I mean really knows me, knows that marijuana, cannabis, weed, yappy, or whatever it is called these days is so...

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Kelty Cosmic Down 40 Review

BACKSTORY Once upon a time, I had a mountain hardware phantom.  I do not know what happened to it, but it was by far the best sleeping bag I have ever owned.  Then I purchased a Lafuma Warm-n-Lite. It was a 40-degree bag that was lightweight, compressible, and kept me...

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Vibram Five Fingers Review

Backstory In 2007 I sprained my ankle backpacking in the Sawtooths. In 2008 I sprained my ankle hiking in the Robber’s Roost. The next year I sprained my ankle hiking in The Spur. Ankle injuries were a yearly occurrence. Many people wouldn’t recognize me without the...

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Chaco Z/2 Review

Backstory I started working in 2005 at an outdoor recreation store. One of the hottest items we carried was a funky looking sandal called Chaco’s. Everyone in the store swore by them.  The owner couldn’t get me into a pair fast enough. It wasn’t long before I learned...

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More Opinion

What is Camping?

There are several types of people in the world, and for each one of these types they have a different definition of camping.  However, trying to fit so many different beliefs under one interpretation would be like nicknaming Hilary Clinton “Honest Abe.”   No matter...

