
What is Canyoneering?

An article from National Geographic defines canyoneering best with this quote:

“Canyoneering, a hybrid form of madness halfway between mountaineering and caving … hundreds descend into them by ropes, but only a handful explore new ones. These driven individuals tend to have a rugby player’s legs, knees crosshatched with scar tissue from all the scratches, a penguin’s tolerance for frigid water, a wallaby’s rock-hopping agility, and a caver’s mole-like willingness to crawl into damp, darkholes. “

Utah Canyoneering Community Mourns The Loss Of David Bell

A tragedy has struck the Utah canyoneering community. Three friends - David Bell, Jeannine Skinner, and Peter On - lost their lives in a Sierra Nevada rappelling accident on Friday night. The group of 13 were exploring the "Seven Teacups" area in Tulare County,...

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What is Canyoneering?

Why would someone need to write an article explaining what canyoneering is? We don't need to explain what hiking is or what is running or what is camping. Do we need to answer the question of what is canyoneering? Yes! Yes, we do! The reason we have to answer this...

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Cable Canyon San Rafael’s Canyoneering Grab Bag

Located almost directly in the heart of Utah is the San Rafael swell. During the mid 20th century the area was home to uranium and mineral developers. Some were large companies, and others were single men. Today there isn't much in the swell besides the occasional...

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More Opinion

What is Camping?

There are several types of people in the world, and for each one of these types they have a different definition of camping.  However, trying to fit so many different beliefs under one interpretation would be like nicknaming Hilary Clinton “Honest Abe.”   No matter...

