What is Camping?

What is Camping?

There are several types of people in the world, and for each one of these types they have a different definition of camping.  However, trying to fit so many different beliefs under one interpretation would be like nicknaming Hilary Clinton “Honest Abe.”   No matter...
The Milner Mile: A Hidden Gem Born From Collaboration

The Milner Mile: A Hidden Gem Born From Collaboration

​ It’s a rare opportunity when the energy company, farmers, and the outdoor recreation community work together.  When you watch the news, you won’t even know that cooperation exists. Most rafters are used to ranchers and farmers putting up barbed wire over rivers or...
Guide to Buying a Tent

Guide to Buying a Tent

It was the fall of 2007. A group of 8 of us were camping on the Egypt plateau. In the morning we were going to begin the ultra-long trek to Neon Canyon.  However that night Tefnut, the Egyptian goddess of rain had other plans, and I learned the value of a decent tent....
Fixing The Recreation.gov Permit System

Fixing The Recreation.gov Permit System

How You Fix the Recreation.Gov Permit System Every year thousands of people pay a minimal fee for a chance to use ‘public lands.’ The idea of ‘public lands’ amuses me. They are public lands, and this means they belong to everyone. This isn’t true. It means everyone...