Outdoor Adventure How To’s

“Knowing is Half the Battle”!  — G.I. Joe


How To Prevent Blisters When Hiking

How To Prevent Blisters When Hiking

It never fails.  You are one hour away from the peak of the biggest hike on your bucket list.  It is at this time when you feel that itchy, burning, stingy sensation.  No not the one you get six weeks after that night with the shady lady from Tijuana, the other one...

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Make Your Own Footprint

Make Your Own Footprint

I have never been fond of tent footprints. I hardly ever use them and I definitely don’t pay $30 for them. However, if you must have a footprint, but don’t want to dip into your children’s college fund to buy one, there is a way to make one for cheap. All you need is...

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More Opinion

What is Camping?

What is Camping?

There are several types of people in the world, and for each one of these types they have a different definition of camping.  However, trying to fit so many different beliefs under one interpretation would be like nicknaming Hilary Clinton “Honest Abe.”   No matter...

