Outdoor Gear Buying Guides
Money can buy your outdoor gear, but it can’t buy you a pleasant experience. However, purchasing the wrong equipment guarantees a lousy experience. We tell you how to choose the right equipment the first time. Having a great experience, that’s on you! -Fat Rockrunner

Get a Grip: Unleash Your Sole Potential with Vibram 5 Fingers Shoes – Buying Guide
Are you ready to step up your game? With Vibram 5 Fingers Shoes, you can unleash your sole potential and take your athletic performance to new heights. These innovative barefoot shoes are designed to mimic the natural shape of your feet, allowing for greater...

Guide to Buying a Tent
It was the fall of 2007. A group of 8 of us were camping on the Egypt plateau. In the morning we were going to begin the ultra-long trek to Neon Canyon. However that night Tefnut, the Egyptian goddess of rain had other plans, and I learned the value of a decent tent....

Sleeping Bag Buying Guide
The first thing I learned, as a scout, is how to be as annoying as possible in the outdoors. This is something that I outgrew, as I become older. The second thing that I learned was that sleeping bags don’t really keep you warm at the temperature as advertised. Flash...

Utah Canyoneering Community Mourns The Loss Of David Bell
A tragedy has struck the Utah canyoneering community. Three friends - David Bell, Jeannine Skinner, and Peter On - lost their lives in a Sierra Nevada rappelling accident on Friday night. The group of 13 were exploring the "Seven Teacups" area in Tulare County,...
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What is Camping?
There are several types of people in the world, and for each one of these types they have a different definition of camping. However, trying to fit so many different beliefs under one interpretation would be like nicknaming Hilary Clinton “Honest Abe.” No matter...

Salt Lake City to Host the Winter Olympics in 2034: A Historic Return
In a move that will rekindle memories of the 2002 Winter Olympics and showcase Utah's enduring winter sports legacy, Salt Lake City has been awarded the Winter Olympics for 2034. Even though this has been anticipated for a long time. This historic decision marks the...

Get a Grip: Unleash Your Sole Potential with Vibram 5 Fingers Shoes – Buying Guide
Are you ready to step up your game? With Vibram 5 Fingers Shoes, you can unleash your sole potential and take your athletic performance to new heights. These innovative barefoot shoes are designed to mimic the natural shape of your feet, allowing for greater...