Outdoor Gear Buying Guides

Money can buy your outdoor gear, but it can’t buy you a pleasant experience.  However, purchasing the wrong equipment guarantees a lousy experience.  We tell you how to choose the right equipment the first time.  Having a great experience, that’s on you!  -Fat Rockrunner


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Little Wild Horse Flash Flood Kills 2 Young Girls

Little Wild Horse Flash Flood Kills 2 Young Girls

There is an inherent danger in the canyoneering environment. Even the relaxed family-friendly canyons that are packed every day of the week during the spring and summer seasons.  Unfortunately, nature gives us harsh reminders of the danger of the activity, and Monday,...

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Why We Shouldn’t Drain Lake Powell

Why We Shouldn’t Drain Lake Powell

I was in 5th grade when I first heard about the controversy surrounding the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell.  My teacher was an old scraggly man who appearance-wise reminded me of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. He mentioned how people complained about building the Glen...


Meeting Lindsay Rice

Meeting Lindsay Rice

In my earlier days of outdoor adventure, I sought out lots of new friends and people. I tried to take out many people to teach them new skills and introduce them to new activities. Over the course of time, after dealing with flaky people who were using me for...


Guide to Buying a Tent

Guide to Buying a Tent

It was the fall of 2007. A group of 8 of us were camping on the Egypt plateau. In the morning we were going to begin the ultra-long trek to Neon Canyon.  However that night Tefnut, the Egyptian goddess of rain had other plans, and I learned the value of a decent tent....