Outdoor Gear Buying Guides
Money can buy your outdoor gear, but it can’t buy you a pleasant experience. However, purchasing the wrong equipment guarantees a lousy experience. We tell you how to choose the right equipment the first time. Having a great experience, that’s on you! -Fat Rockrunner
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Utah Approves Bid For Another Winter Olympics
In 2002, Salt Lake City became the largest city, at that time, to host the winter Olympics. To this day the 2002 winter Olympics have been considered one of the most successful Olympics of all time. Originally the 2002 bid was met with lots of criticism from the...
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Do National Parks and Monuments Equal Better Protection
The recent election has called a lot of attention to the concept of national parks and national monuments. The latter has also brought the use of the Antiquities Act into question. However, the creation of a national monument or park in the name of protection is...
Be Like Bigfoot-Leave No Trace
When I think about it, Bigfoot is an outdoor superhero. OK, he isn’t exactly like Batman or Spider-Man — he doesn’t save damsels in distress or fight villains with bad taste in cosmetics. And he doesn’t cover his actions with secret identities or costumes. But he’s...
Mountain Hardwear Gear They Need To Bring Back
Mountain Hardwear is one of the most elite companies in the outdoor industry. They sponsor numerous world class athletes and have always made some of the best gear in the industry. However, even as they progress into new markets, new fashions and new designs, there...