Outdoor Gear Buying Guides
Money can buy your outdoor gear, but it can’t buy you a pleasant experience. However, purchasing the wrong equipment guarantees a lousy experience. We tell you how to choose the right equipment the first time. Having a great experience, that’s on you! -Fat Rockrunner
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Permit Needed to Hike Kannarraville Falls
It’s a name that just rolls off your tongue, Kanarraville. Millions of people pass it every year, comment about the name, and keep on driving. It is located close to Zion National Park, just off of I-15. Kannarraville has two claims to fame. The first and not...
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How To Prevent Blisters When Hiking
It never fails. You are one hour away from the peak of the biggest hike on your bucket list. It is at this time when you feel that itchy, burning, stingy sensation. No not the one you get six weeks after that night with the shady lady from Tijuana, the other one...