Outdoor Gear Buying Guides
Money can buy your outdoor gear, but it can’t buy you a pleasant experience. However, purchasing the wrong equipment guarantees a lousy experience. We tell you how to choose the right equipment the first time. Having a great experience, that’s on you! -Fat Rockrunner
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The Best National Park Experiences Could Be Getting Better
Love him or hate him; Trump can see room for improvement in the National Park System. Improvements in the NPS system will only make the best National Park experiences better. Our national parks are currently weighed down by red tape, outdated contracts, stringent...
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Unusual Team Building Exercises
Over the past couple decades, corporate America has ushered in a new era of management training. On some level, almost every business has some type of team-building activity for upper management employees and occasionally regular ones. Its aim is to enhance social...

Undersea Hotels
The Victorians were the first tourists. The rise of railways afforded these buttoned-down pleasure seekers the chance to see the world. Once the Industrial Revolution took hold and cities started to thrive, people wanted to take cure in the country. As travelers, the...

How Do Hand Warmers Work
The Types of Hand Warmers There are two main types of hand warmers; each one uses a different method to create heat. However, both of them rely on chemical reactions. One gives long-lasting results that can last up to ten hours; the other only last for short periods...