Outdoor Adventure How To’s

“Knowing is Half the Battle”!  — G.I. Joe


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American Rescue Plan Receives 1.4 Million Investment

American Rescue Plan Receives 1.4 Million Investment

The American Rescue Plan receives a $1.4 million investment from the U.S. Department of Commerce to support the development of tourism in Smitters, West Virginia. WASHINGTON - U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo has announced that the Economic Development...

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Best Places to Meet Adventuring Partners

Best Places to Meet Adventuring Partners

One of the most frustrating things, for many outdoor enthusiasts, is finding someone to adventure with.  The only thing worse is finding a replacement for a former adventuring partner.  Here are five great options to help you meet a new adventuring partner. Facebook...


The States That Benefit the Most From National Park Tourism

The States That Benefit the Most From National Park Tourism

Every year millions of people flock to national parks, monuments, recreation areas, trails and historic areas. Some states reap a harvest of hundreds of millions.  Is your state one of them?  Take a look at the list of the top ten some aren’t surprising and some...


Kelty Cosmic Down 40 Review

Kelty Cosmic Down 40 Review

BACKSTORY Once upon a time, I had a mountain hardware phantom.  I do not know what happened to it, but it was by far the best sleeping bag I have ever owned.  Then I purchased a Lafuma Warm-n-Lite. It was a 40-degree bag that was lightweight, compressible, and kept me...